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LVN Program Information Session Video

Admission Information

Admission to the LVN program is selective, with registration in nursing courses by permission only.  Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the LVN program.  To be considered for acceptance into the program, applicants must submit all required application information by the deadline (annually, the first Friday in May). Minimum admission requirements include the following:

  • Admission to Grayson College.
  • Completion of the LVN Information Packet (available by emailing
  • NEX Admission test score of 55 or higher on cumulative total of required sections.  (May be taken twice in a 12 month period from the first testing date; and there must be 5 years or less from time test was taken to the date of admission into the nursing program).
  • High School degree or GED.
  • Completion of Anatomy and Physiology courses I & II with a grade of C or better -OR- BIOL 2404 Survey of Anatomy and Physiology with a grade of C or better. Courses must have been taken and completed within the past five years.
  • Completion of required immunizations. 

All documentation related to these admission requirements should be submitted to or the administrative office of the South Campus.  Only students with complete files will be considered. More detailed information about admission to the LVN program is provided in the LVN Information Packet.

Information Packet

To request the LVN information packet, please email

Alternatively, you may fill out the Health Science Intake Form.

Information Sessions:

The Nursing Department offers Information Sessions for prospective students. These sessions include general information about the program, admission requirements, and discussing the application process.  

Nursing Information Sessions:

  • Wednesday (8/28) at Noon in HS 209
  • Tuesday (9/10) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Monday (9/23) at Noon in HS 209 
  • Tuesday (10/08) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Thursday (10/24) at Noon in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Tuesday (11/05) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Wednesday (11/20) at Noon in HS 209
  • Thursday (01/09) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Wednesday (01/22) at Noon in HS 209
  • Monday (02/03) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Monday (02/17) at Noon in HS 209
  • Tuesday (03/18) at 4pm in HS 210 (Irma Auditorium)
  • Wednesday (03/26)at Noon in HS 209

Selection and Acceptance Procedure (Point system) 

  1. Applications are reviewed for required documentation by the VN Admissions Committee after application deadline. Applicants with complete files (including prerequisite grades) are always considered first.
  2. The number of spaces that can be admitted to the VN Program is limited by classroom and clinical spaces and by faculty availability. Therefore, a selection procedure is used to identify candidates who are the most academically prepared for the program.
  3. Applicants with complete files will be evaluated and ranked for selection using the points system below.
    LVN Application Point System


    Max Total = 8 points

    Criteria Points

    NEX Cumulative Score

    66-100 = 3 points

    61-65 = 2 points

    55-60 = 1 point

    <55 = ineligible for acceptance

    Prerequisite Course Grades


    A = 3 points

    B = 2 points

    C = 1 point

    <C = ineligible for acceptance

    Residency in the GC Service Area
    (Bryan Co., Fannin Co., Grayson Co., Marshall Co.)

    1 point

    Proof of employment as a CNA, PCT, CCMA, or graduate of GC Continuing Education Healthcare Course

    1 point

  4. Once all eligible applicants have been ranked, students will be admitted from the highest ranked to the lowest until all spots are filled. If there are more eligible candidates than there are spaces available, an alternate list will be developed. Should spaces become available prior to the first day of class, applicants will be notified.
  5. Applicants will be notified in writing of acceptance or non-acceptance via email on or about June 1 of each year.

Have additional questions about the LVN program application process?  Please email

Course Syllabi

To learn more about the program and courses, please click on the links below to see the course syllabi